Grunts in cloaks

Shuttle launch out of frame.

Gunlamps are not true lasers, in that their light is neither perfectly parallel nor monochromatic. This limits their effective range, but unlike a true laser they don't need another person just to carry the cooling pack. The Shkal2 can even be used on its own, but a radiator cloak allows sustained fire, meaning it can double as a machine gun. It also helps keep the wearer comfortable in scorching heat, but this effect was completely unintended. A damaged lamp can leak fumes and fluids unhealthy to the eyes, lungs, skin and basically everything else. Gas masks are issued as the filter balaclava can't quite manage it, but many soldiers don't bother to wear them.

The faking mantle began development as an invisibility device, perfectly copying whatever is behind it from at least one direction. It ran over budget many times and got delayed by twenty years. By the time working prototypes were made, it was discovered that existing neurotronic goggles had an easier time spotting it than regular olive drab. All they had to do was find another example of exactly the same somewhere behind the wearer, or just look from another angle.
The program barely avoided cancellation. It was repurposed to observe patterns in its surroundings and blend with them, much like an octopus. Tassels were also added to obscure clean edges.

Faking fabric is notoriously uncomfortable to look at in motion. Some sniper teams avoid using it due to nausea. A personal mantle consists of a separate cloak and veil, much easier to manufacture than sleeves since each seam is equivalent to surgery. It also comes in tent form.